
GPS coordinates: 5° 30' 42'' E 43° 32' 59'' N
TGV Station(Aix) at 30 Km - Marseille Provence Airport at 40 Km
Motorway A7 at 7 Km

North-East of Aix-en-Provence, follow the road n°10 for 3,6km
then turn left on the "Chemin des Savoyards".
After 550 metres (n°550), you are there.

Aerial photo

Saint Marc Jaumegarde

Exclusively residential, Saint-Marc is not a traditional village:
no city centre, no shops,...
Only cottages spread in the pine forest,
along the country roads.

Saint-Marc is the place where you enjoy calm, charm and beauty.


On site
3 restaurants, 2 tennis courts, fishing,
hikes or bike-rides.

Horse-riding and golf.

all leisure activities, all shops, all services.

Le Mas des Oliviers fait partie du label des maisons d’hôtes Fleurs de Soleil